Recently I uncovered a relatively fresh and unique HTML5 feature; Server Sent
Note: I will digress from the onset that if you are familiar with Websockets,
then you should understand that they are the superior implementation for
scalable bidirectional push communication, and not a competiting technology for
SSE on the other hand can be viewed as more of a "lightweight" alternative,
for when using websockets is not a viable option, most likely due to server
To form a base understanding of SSE, here are the main design characteristics:
Everything happens over the HTTP, no special protocol required
Keeps open a HTTP/S connection to the server
Communication is unidirectional (read only by the client)
Different event sources/channels can be fed down the same connection
Auto reconnection and event IDs come for free as part of the implementation.i
The auto-reconnection is ideal for flaky connections, like mobile devices.
There are some pros and cons of using SSE over websockets. Let's go over the
cons first:
The data source is read only. While this lends itself to actually being more
scalable for RO type applications, for RW type app/pages you'll have to revert
to POST'ing or long polling type server writes.
Depending on the server configuration, the connection may be timed out
frequently or free'd up for other users accessing the server, but mitigated
by the auto-reconnection as per the EventSource spec.
Each SSE source maintains an open connection to the server. This takes away
server side resources from other users, such as memory, CPU, NOFILE
and lower max_connections type limits of the HTTP server (as opposed to
available kernel connections/ports).
With that said SSE does hold advantages over Websockets in some scenarios:
Doesn't require any special protocol to be supported in the browser or server
SSE support can be polyfilled
(backported) for older browsers that don't yet implement it.
Integrated Cross-site/origin request support (via CORS)
SSE can ingeniously benefit from HTTPS with no extra configuration, unlike
websockets/WSS, which require certificate setup and implementation on top of
Enough, shut up and show me the glory of SSE!
OK then, let us wield this technology for the betterment of the internets! If
you want to dive straight into the demo app then go here:
As prescribed, we'll look at implementing this in Node.js. Here's the first
excerpt you should get familiar with:
Nothing so unusual, but the first part of the SSE spec is here,
specifically the retry line, telling the client, that in the event a
disconnect, it should retry after ten seconds. Note the header is
text/event-stream so the browser knows it's SSE, we tell the browser not to
cache any of the responses (you don't want stale real time data do you? ) and
we make sure the connections is kept open by the browser/client
via Connection: keep-alive. Straight forward stuff.
Next up is writing a custom event with data:
module.exports.writeSSEData = function (req, res, event, data, cb) {
var id = (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString();
res.write("id: " + id + '\n');
res.write("event: " + event + "\n");
res.write("data: " + JSON.stringify(data) + "\n\n");
if (cb) {
return cb(req, res);
The first part here is making sure we send a unique ID with each request, we
just use a simple date based one here. The ID is useful so that if a client
reconnects later, it will send the Last-Event-ID
header in the response, so the server can decide on a delta of which to resume
push messages (not implemented in the demo app though).
Note in Apache, Nginx or as here for Node.js you should consider upping the
timeout for SSE requests. This is easily set
in Node 0.10.x, and for per-request instead of a global socket setting you can
do the following (20 min idle):
res.connection.setTimeout(1000 * 60 * 20)
Using these functions in an express.js app to echo the servers date every second
might look like the following:
The EventSource parameter is the endpoint resource relative the page path, or
a full URI. Note that SSE supports cross-domain requests out of the box, via
The date event listener is listening for lines from the server like:
event: datadata: '"2013-07-07T07:04:55.162Z"'
and on each update we simply update our HTML element with the new element -
Note the client code examples here are all using Aura, a pretty cool
project mentored by @addyosmani. We can write
a Aura widget per SSE endpoint, and use it anywhere on the website without
having to do anything - just add a <div>! :
"Aura is an event-driven architecture for wrapping your code into reusable
widgets and extensions that can easily communicate with each other" -
I won't cover Aura in depth here, but the code in the demo app and on material
on their site should be enough to get you started. In pursuit of this project
you could combine widgets to create customizable dashboards whose components
can talk to each other with realtime SSE data, so lots of avenues to explore!
I'd highly recommending using Aura for projects like this,
so check it out!
It recently came to light that SSLv2 support in the TLS/HTTPS modules in node.js
is enabled by default if supported by the system OpenSSL library.
Now, it may or may not be a suprise to some that
is sufficientlybroken and has in fact
has been deprecated (since 1996) that it warrants disabling in any serious
production environment.
As of OpenSSL v1.0+ it is diabled by default, as evident in newer versions of
Debian and
since 10.04.
Now, for node.js depending on the SSL library used, it will enable SSLv2 by default
, which as you know by know is not a good idea.
To verify that you cannot connect with SSLv2 to your node server,
fire off the following openssl command:
One (seemingly undocumented on the server side) is to pass one of the
available OpenSSL CTX methods
such as SSLv3_method to the httpsOptions object in the
TLS/HTTPS.createServer(...)methods in Node.js.
Setting this option will force a single protocol to the SSL handshake,
meaning that for some older clients such as the default OpenSSL on OSX this will
cause an issue for the handshake, where it tries to negotiate a SSLv23_method,
which with the above change is an unsupported fallback method for SSLv2
( note the SSL23_WRITE ), as per OSX 10.7:
A solution for this particular problem which may affect applications that use
the system OpenSSL on is to recompile node with the
--no-ssl2 option.
After passing that option as ./configure --no-sslv2, you should find that older
clients are now able to connect directly using TLSv1/SSLv3, and avoid the instant
handshake fail as before:
Note that on some popular SSL strength/vulnerability analysers, SSlv2 support
is an automatically failing grade. By disabling it, you can go from an 'F' to
a 'A' with a
minor tweak!
Github provides hosting for static websites via Github Pages.
As long as you have an index.html in the root of your repo, Github will serve
up the static files for you.
Create a new repository for your blog
You can get this setup by creating the required repository for your new blog,
simply create a new repo
with the name format as <github username>, for example:
Once the repo has been created you can setup the deployment process in hexo
$ hexo setup_deploy
Generate some content
Now that everything is assembled in place, it's time to flesh out the blog. To
generate a new post in Hexo simply issue:
$ hexo add_post <title>
That command will create a new post in source/_posts/<title>.md.
More info about article structure here
Now you can go ahead and add your content, and then when finished, simply run: